Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"7th of December".. .beyond its 62 years.

On that famous day, December 7, 1943, Chiara – then in her early twenties – was all alone as she said her “yes forever” to God. Never could she have imagined the fruits that this “marriage with God” would bear. Today there are thousands of people of all ages, backgrounds, languages, races and creeds, in 182 nations worldwide who live to create portions of brotherhood, as a way of contributing to the unity of the human family, which is wounded by violence, division, as well as social and cultural inequality.

I am posting here a portion of an interview made to Chiara two years ago remembering the day she consecrated her self totally to God.

... A hymn of thanksgiving to God for all that I – with all my brothers and sisters – was able to see, experience, build and lead onwards, with God’s help, up to this point...

A deep, heartfelt gratitude for everything, my God!
Thank you, first of all, for letting me be born in your Church, making me a child of God;
for having nourished me day after day with the Eucharist;
for having lit up my life, since childhood, with signs of the divine charism you

would have put within me for the good of so many others;
for having made me experience the truths of the Gospel and its ever-faithful promises;
for having given me the joy of the ‘hundredfold’ in all senses;
for having revealed to me the secret of unity in your Son, Crucified and Forsaken;
for having permitted sufferings which always led to a deeper union with you;
for having gifted me with an entirely new spirituality, which is both personal and communitarian;
for having broadened my view, and that of all those who stand with me, onto the whole of humanity,

including Christians of other traditions, faithful of other religions,
people who are not yet your own and yet are full of good will;
for the fatherly love of your Vicars on earth, especially Paul VI and John Paul II,

and for their blessings on the Work of Mary over the years,
for having blessed me with a long life;
for having forgiven my sins.
Thank you for allowing me – through my specific mission –

to work with the Church for the fulfillment of your Son’s priestly prayer:
‘That all may be one,’ and to prepare for you large groups of people
intent on living universal brotherhood.
Thank you, thank you. To you be praise and glory.”

Chiara Lubich


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