Saturday, August 20, 2005

Love Knows no "Why"

This is part of the address of Pope Benedict to the young seminarians participating in the XX World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany. I found the words of the Pope so rich permeated with much light and wisdom that I thought could not but bring thunderous effects in the life of those who were present.

"...Why did the Magi set off from afar to go to Bethlehem? The answer has to do with the mystery of the "star" which they saw "in the East" and which they recognized as the star of the "King of the Jews," that is to say, the sign of the birth of the Messiah (cf. Matthew 2:2). So their journey was inspired by a powerful hope, strengthened and guided by the star, which led them toward the King of the Jews, toward the kingship of God himself. The Magi set out because of a deep desire which prompted them to leave everything and begin a journey. It was as though they had always been waiting for that star. It was as if the journey had always been a part of their destiny, and was finally about to begin.

Dear friends, this is the mystery of God's call, the mystery of vocation. It is part of the life of every Christian, but it is particularly evident in those whom Christ asks to leave everything in order to follow him more closely. The seminarian experiences the beauty of that call in a moment of grace which could be defined as "falling in love." His soul is filled with amazement, which makes him ask in prayer: "Lord, why me?" But love knows no "why"; it is a free gift to which one responds with the gift of self... "

by zenit news agency:Code: ZE05081909
Date: 2005-08-19

Friday, August 19, 2005

It is beautiful to be Christian: to be sustained by a great Love is like having wings

This is the message that Pope Benedict XVI desires to give to the youth at the World Youth Day, as expressed in an interview with Vatican Radio.

I would like to show... how beautiful it is to be Christian, because the widespread idea which continues to exist is that Christianity is composed of laws and bans which one has to keep and, hence, is something toilsome and burdensome – that one is freer without such a burden. I want to make clear that it not a burden to be carried by a great love and realization, but it is like having wings. It is wonderful to be a Christian with this knowledge that it gives us a great breadth, a large community: As Christians we are never alone – in the sense that God is always with us, but also in the sense that we are always standing together in a large community, a community for The Way, that we have a project for the future - and in this way a Being which is worth believing in. This is the joy of being a Christian and is the beauty of believing.

Love Me the Way You Are

For sometime now some thoughts have been moving around the corners of my mind like sparks giving birth to a new light. But one of these seemed to ignite a flame "consuming whatever it touches"... I am referring to a poem like dialog that a close friend of mine handed to me sometime ago.

Truly, this has become like a torch providing me light in my spiritual journey. I am posting it here hoping that it will provide a light to someone who is groping in the dark.

Love Me The Way You Are!

I am aware of the misery you are in.
I know the struggles and troubles besetting your soul.
I know the needs and the weaknesses of your body.
I know your cowardice and your half-heartedness.
Even your sins, I know.
But this despite this, I say to you: give me your heart,
love me the you are.

If you wait when you shall become perfect
to abandon yourself in love, then, you will never
love me.

Even if you are cowardly in the practice of your duties
and virtues. Even if you fall very often to that sin
which you would have wanted not to commit again.
I do not deter you from loving me. They should
not deter you from coming near me.
Love me the way you are.

In every moment and whatever situation you may be in;
full of fervour or in dryness, faithful or unfaithful;
Love me the way you are. I want the love of your poor heart.
If you wait till you shall have been
perfect, then, you will never love me.

My Son, allow me to love you, I want your heart.
Yes, certainly, I want to transform you in time;
But not now, I love you as you are and I want
that you do the same, love me as you are.

Today, I am at the door of your heart like a
beggar. I, who am King of Kings, I knock and I wait.
Hurry! Open to me. Do not enclose yourself in your misery.

The thing that would really hurt my heart
is to see you doubt about my love, is to see you
having no trust and confidence in my love.

Do not be concerned about possessing virtues. I will give you mine.
When you have to suffer, I will give you the strength.
You have given me love, I will give you the knowledge
how to love, even beyond what you can imagine.
But remember, love me the way you are.

God, this is the only thing important for you to do; Love me the way you are.
And then you will see what I have in store for you.
So, Love me the way you are.

(author Anonymous)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

God’s immensity

I would like to offer you a small experience. Once, as I was resting, I watched a documentary film about nature, which had a strong effect on my soul. As I contemplated the immensity of the universe, the extraordinary beauty and force of nature, my mind spontaneously turned to the Creator of all, and I had a sort of new understanding of God’s immensity. It was as if my eyes were opened and I understood, as never before, He whom we have chosen as the ideal of our lives, or better, He who had chosen us.
I saw Him so great that it seemed impossible He could have thought of us. And the impression of His immensity remained in my heart for several days. Now, the prayer: “Hallowed be thy name,” or “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,” is a completely different thing for me. It has become a need of the heart.
We can give glory to God, however, with our whole being as well, when we live dead to ourselves, to our selfishness, and alive to God’s will, to love for our neighbors. In this way, we will anticipate Paradise and God will be repaid for the indifference of many hearts.
A spiritual thought by Chiara Lubich

Word of Life - August

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
(Mt 14:31)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Let's Journey Together

Finally... this word would like to indicate two things: first, the right time has blessed me to have a simple space in the web where I can post thoughts that once in a while would run through the corners of my mind, second, is to share my joy for having found this "corner", though it may appear simple, to meet old - and new- friends to continue journeying together with our common aspiration: be an instrument in the realization of Jesus' "Ut Unum Sint", May they All be One, this noble dream we hope to see on earth... as in heaven.
I also would like to give my heartfelt welcome to all of you! I am glad to have come to meet you -again-, I hope that my petit corner in the web may truly be a space of encounter where we can dialogue, share, spread the treasures of our hearts hoping that they will inspire other men and women of good heart and join us in our adventure.
I address my special personal welcome to the new person who just happen to visit this blog. May this visit of yours be the first of the many visits you are going to make and eventually you too may find the courage to share the treasures of your heart. If you wish to post a note, I encourage you to write in these languages: Flipino, Cebuano, Kapampangan, Spanish, Italian and of course in English.
Again a heartfelt welcome! Hope to meet you very often...