"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! " Isaiah 49:15 This phrase from the prophet Isaiah has been a very powerful message expressing the unconditional love of God. You may ask what moved me to post this phrase in my blog? Simple, I would like to share with you a letter of a young guy who has given me a precious gift, his letter to his mother. There is no need to introduce the content of the letter it speaks for itself. But one thing that I would like to underline is the revelation of an authentic love of the son to his mother, who has forgotten the child she has borne. For you E., rest assured that God's love for you is greater than any mother on earth can offer, assuring you my prayers..." hi mom,i jz wna ask kung sino ho ba yung nagsabi sayo nasinisisi kita...? i never said that stuff....well, if you really believe i did, i'm sorry...i love you mom becoz i love you and i don't reservereasons in loving you....you might be negating the fact that i have been truly hurt by all this crapthat's happening...it's 18 years of tears and hidingwhat i feel...i understood you when you marriedsomeone else...i understood you when you couldn'tprovide...i loved you even when you spared me no attention...i loved you mom and i think you're missingthat fact...i don't know why i deserve to be treated thisway...but i believe that God knows...you might be losing what's essential in your life---love. i have been battered by the thought of losing you; ihave had nights of desolation... i tried to be steadfast and held my heart quiet...i was crying... hoping that someday my mom would wake up fromthis nightmare...you might let go of me now, but i will still be lovingyou...it would be hard, but i know God will help.i'm tired too, more than you think...i'm consumed andi 'm lost...i'm the victim here, but i choose to love you...you just don't know how many christmases and birthdays have i longed and wished that you were there...don't you realize that i'm in between all of this...?mom if you can't love me, that's ok....i jz request that you love C. for me...I want her to see and feel that you love her...i know that, one day, when you'd be in your death bed you would realize that i loved you....i will be there to give you the biggest hug...you will look for me... so much for the tears and regrets...take care...i am trying everyday to forgive you for what you have unconsciously done to me....because i love you....God Bless you! Ciao!"
Yesterday was particularly memorable day because it was the day when Karol Wojtila was elected as Pope. Oct 16, 1978 the date that marked the history of the Church and the history of the modern world.I was not present physically in 1978 in St. Peter's Square when John Paul II appeared for the first time in the balcony of the Basilica, but yesterday I was physically there! 27 years ago I did not hear with my own ears the voice of the newly elected pontiff, but yesterday I heard the new pontiff with my own ears recalling the blessed day Oct.16.Pope Benedict spoke of John Paull II and his special love for Mary, the Eucharist and his missionary life. The few words uttered by Pope Benedict, referring to the person of JPII were enough to effect a thunderous applause filling all the corners and walls of the whole square. What a joy to have been present there yesterday to celebrate with the countless of thousnads of pilgrims coming from all over the world. I had the feeling that I received a double blessing -coming from that famous "window"- one from Pope Benedict and the other from our beloved John Paul II. I share these blessings to all of you!I am posting here a personal message of JPII, given to the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square on Oct.12, 2003 before reciting the angelus: "Dear Brothers and Sisters!
1. Next Thursday, October 16, will be the 25th year of my pontificate. At 6:00 p.m. I will celebrate a solemn Mass of thanksgiving in St. Peter’s Square. I now thank all those who will be united with me in prayer, in gratitude to God for his constant and provident assistance.
2. I remember those days of October 1978. I recall, in a special way today, the first Angelus that I recited from this window on October 22. In the mystery of the Incarnation, which this prayer helps us to contemplate, I then tried to “embrace the whole future of the pontificate, of the People of God, and of the whole human family” — as I said — “the family has its beginning in the will of the Father, but is always conceived under the heart of the Mother” (“Insegnamenti,” I, 1978, 43).
3. Now, while I recall the past with gratitude, I look upon young people with whom I established, from the beginning of my Petrine ministry, a preferential dialogue. I remember that, at the end of that first Angelus, I added a special greeting to them, saying: “You are the future of the world, you are the hope of the Church, you are my hope.”
I must acknowledge that the response of young people has been truly encouraging. Today I want to thank them for having always been close to me during these years and I want them to know that I continue to count on them.
I entrust them to you, O Mary, who are the perennial youth of the Church. Help them to be prepared and disposed to do the will of God, to build with generosity a more just and fraternal world. "
[Translation by ZENIT]